On January 6, 2021, Amazon announced it was earmarking $2 billion to create its Housing Equity Fund, supposedly to preserve existing affordable housing units and create new ones. However, as the funds continue to be dispersed ( mainly through loans and few grants), Amazon continues to displace vulnerable residents and gentrify the neighborhood it supposedly protects. 

Barcroft Apartments in Arlington, VA. Barcroft was bought in December, 2021 for $310 million with two loans, one for $150 million with Arlington public funds and $160 million from Amazon’s Equity Fund. One of the last affordable housing units in the county, residents were already struggling to maintain housing. They will be pushed out when rents are set at 60% of the Arlington AMI ( roughly starting as high as 70k). This underlines what we mean when we ask: Affordable for whom? 

Take action and support the community of Barcroft by signing the petition. The board members need to be held accountable for giving public funds that were used so that these communities won’t be displaced but fair to do a written policy on how Barcroft will be affordable for 99 years to come. The community of Barcroft can’t afford these 3% increases per year. We demand a rent freeze for 15 months and, within this time, proposal a written policy on how to #Make Barcroft Affordable for generations to come.

Take action by: Signing the Petition: http://bit.ly/3UKxP85


#MakeAmazonPay Virtual Rally
Tuesday, May 11 at 8:30PM

Do you believe our public funds should be used for education? We do too! Housing? Agreed! Healthcare? For sure! -- How ‘bout Amazon? NO.

Join FUNA for a virtual rally in the fight to #MakeAmazonPay for all it extracts from our communities! This virtual rally will be an interactive setting to hear how the COMMUNITY wants our public funds used. Sign up for Tuesday’s virtual rally at bit.ly/FUNA511 and in the meantime, fill out our survey at bit.ly/FunaSurvey.

#MakeAmazonPay #ForUsNotAmazon

Teach-In: Stopping Amazon's Takeover
4.29.21 | #ForUsNotAmazon #MakeAmazonPay