December 20, 2022
*UPDATE* ICE Out of Arlington Coalition Celebrates Community Win Following Announcement From Arlington County Sheriff's Office
In response to a community-led campaign, including the development of the Communities of Arlington Protected from Abuse by ICE (CAPA) policy proposal, and the adoption of a “Trust” policy by Arlington County board members in July, the Arlington County Sheriff’s Office has now announced a decision to end all voluntary collaboration between the department and ICE. The letter from Sheriff Arthur is available here: bit.ly/3YHPhwU
“Durante muchos años pensamos que Arlington era una ciudad santuario, la policía siempre nos dijo que NO colaboraban con ICE, nos tenían engañados, pero ahora estamos saliendo de las sombras para hacernos escuchar y luchar por nuestros derechos.”
“For many years we thought Arlington was a sanctuary city, the police always told us that they were NOT collaborating with ICE, they had us fooled, but now we are coming out of the shadows to make ourselves heard and fight for our rights.”
July 19, 2022
It’s been 2 years since we kicked off our #ICEoutofArlington campaign and we’re making progress in our fight! Community members harmed by policing/collaboration with ICE, La ColectiVA, and partner organizations have been pushing Arlington County to end all collaboration with ICE - including its police department. In response to our organizing and our policy demands through the Communities of Arlington Protected from Abuse by ICE (CAPA) policy, Arlington County members adopted a "Trust" Policy last Tuesday, including 5 of our proposed provisions.
While we recognize our community-won progress, we also know that the policy Arlington County board members adopted is a countywide policy ending/preventing collaboration with ICE, **with an exception for the Police Department - giving ACPD discretion to continue partnering with ICE**. The loophole, written by the police department, is listed in Section 7 of the “Trust” Policy. This continued criminalization of our loved ones is unacceptable and we will keep fighting to end all collaboration with this violent agency.
19 Julio 2023
Han pasado 2 años con nuestra campaña #FueraICEdeArlington y estamos progresando en nuestra lucha para conseguir #FueraICEdeArlingron este pasado martes, la junta directiva de Arlington Co adoptó 5 de nuestras disposiciones CAPA que protegen a nuestra comunidad.
Si bien reconocemos nuestro progreso ganado por la comunidad, también sabemos que la política que adoptaron los miembros de la junta del condado de Arlington es una política en todo el condado que pone fin o impide la colaboración con ICE, *con una excepción para el Departamento de Policía, que le otorga a ACPD discreción para continuar asociándose con ICE*. El tecnicismo, escrito por el departamento de policía, se encuentra en la Sección 7 de la Política de "Confianza". Esta continua criminalización de nuestros seres queridos es inaceptable y seguiremos luchando para poner fin a toda colaboración con esta violenta agencia.
Communities of Arlington Protected from Abuse by ICE (CAPA) Policy Memo (PDF)
Communities of Arlington Protected from Abuse by ICE (CAPA) Policy Proposal (PDF)
Recommendations to ACPD regarding their current draft policies/directives are available here.